Hizbullah Brigades and their role in targeting Iraqi Christians!!

Mahdi Army and Hizbullah Brigades
Mahdi Army and Hizbullah Brigades


Written By: FA ME / Exclusive Report


Last Thursday U.S. government said it has declared Kata’ib Hizbullah(Hizbullah Brigades) as a foreign terrorist organization saying the group is linked to Lebanon’s Hizbullah and has posed a threat to stability in Iraq. the question that comes to mind, why does U.S. declare this organization a terrorist one when this organization carried out attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces in the past 3 or 4 years?

testimonies of Iraqi Christians reside in Baghdad and Basrah confirmed that members of Kata’ib Hizbullah carried out attacks against Christians in both cities, this organization has very strong links with Shiaa militant group “Mahdi Army” who facilitate operations and attacks of Kata’ib Hizbullah on both Iraqi and American targets as well as attacking weak targets in Iraq, Iraqi Christians are on top of their list.

Abu Mahdi Almuhandis is the tactical commander and a former adviser Iranian Qods Force – an arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps responsible of providing material support, weapons, training, and long-term strategic plans for groups such as Lebanon’s Hizbullah, Hamas, Mahdi Army in Iraq, as well as the Special Groups inside Iraq. Almuhandis ran different smuggling networks, that aimed to get more weapons and members for fighters inside Iraq. in Aldora neighborhood in Baghdad Christian families were threatened firstly by hanging letters on their outside doors that calls them to convert to Islam or face death. most of these letters were signed under the name of Almuhandis (according to Christian families who escaped Iraq). many Chrisitans were forced to leave their areas, some were killed, and others kidnapped. those who were lucky enough to be release or accidental escaped have told “Iraqi Translators and Christians Blog” that they have met whose allegedly called Almuhandis in Baghdad during the time they were kidnapped.

it’s believed that Almhuandis (the Engineer) goes under this pseudonym, those Christians whom were kidnapped said that during the time they spent inside dark rooms they were told by the kidnappers “we have no authority to release you or kill you, but we know this fact, as long as you stick believing in Christian faith, you are will undergo great suffer and pain, but you shall wait until you meet the “engineer” of all this holy campaign he is going to decide this he is the Sayid “Master”! many of these Christians have gone under severe torture and interrogations trying to get inforamtion from them on who is dealing with Americans from their family members or relative, or inside Iraqi government this kind of interrogations may last for hours.

in 2004 some Iraqi sources in London (who visited London on a private and undeclared visit) spoke to Kuwaiti reporter of Al-Rai Alaam “Public Opinion” newspaper  in private and told him that Almuhandis’ real name is ” Jamal Jafar Ali Al-Ibrahimi” member of United Iraqi Alliance, and a close adviser of Prime Minister Almaliki.

other Sources of Iraqi Christian families have said that Hizbullah Brigades is also involved in targeting and forcing hundreds of Christian families in Mosul. its believed that they have ties with Ansar Al-suna militant group “who are mostly Kurds” in northern Iraq. this militant group has infiltrated the Kurdish Security Forces “Asayish” and gathered information of Christians whereabouts in Mosul, especially the wealthy families to threaten them or kidnap them trying to gather the biggest amount of money possible to fund violence and attacks inside Iraq when U.S. Forces discovered fund sources coming from Iran for Hizbullah Brigades and other militant groups. the other aim of these attacks carried out in Mosul was to empty Iraq from Christian minority because according to the Jihad ideology the other “infidels” need to leave the Islamic lands, and it must be restrictedly ruled by Muslims, which will eventually facilitate fighting foreign forces and other collaborators.

It said the organization was responsible for numerous improvised explosive device bombings, rocket propelled grenade attacks and sniper operations, including a November 2008 rocket attack that killed two U.N. workers.

the question remains why U.S. has declared Hizbullah’s Brigades as terrorist organizations just now when in the past years they have played important role in targeting Christians and other minorities in Iraq?

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